Home Switch Theme


Author: Ⴚrim Squeaker#1224

The Aethergates can only be formed by the release of a huge burst of aetherial energy. The Mindranii can do this in controlled environments of course, but on the field of battle the only way they have found of executing this maneuvre is the shattering of the blade of an Aetherknight, thus releasing enough energy to be manipulated into an Aethergate by an Aethermancer.

The Mindranii start with climbing.


Philosophy -> Education
- Unlocks university building

Meditation -> Stargazing
- allows the construction of an Observatory building

Smithery -> Aethermancy




The Aethergate


name cost health attack defence range move skills
Aetherknight 8 15 3.5 2 1 1 Dash, Blink
Aethermancer N/A (super unit) 25 3 3 2 1 teleport, scholar, heal


Blink - Allows this unit to move 3 tiles ignoring all movement barriers - Tiles are only revealed if an enemy is on them - You are still able to attack after blinking.

Shatter - destroys the unit and creates an Aethergate in its place - there must be an Aethermancer adjacent to the Aetherknight

Teleport - allows you to move a unit within a 5x5 square around you to another empty land square in that area - This ends that unit’s turn unless it has persist or escspe - You may not teleport onto Aethergates

Scholar - Allows use of Shatter active ability for all surrounding Aetherknights


Trees: silver birch
Animals: drakes (they are sort of like small wingless dragons, but clever, which fits the theme of this being a big brain tribe)
Fields: same colour as pine trees (sort of dark green)
Fruit: Holly berries (no idea why, it just seemed like a good one)
Mountains: tall with snowy peaks, pointy


The Mindranii land

An æthermage

An ætherknight

(The hat of the aetherknight is for them only. All others have the aethermage’s beard and hat.)

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