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The Midrosaic

Author: Elvatia#5513

Originating in the red desert the midrosaic were hard pressed for survival. Their lands are custom to large heat waves that melts the sand into large glass pillars, and once the winds arrive the dunes shift to reveal large glass trees and mountains that define the midrosan terrain. With heat waves hot enough to melt glass you could imagine survival was hard. The midrosans ended up surviving under the surface. Their cities are rooted deep within the ground, and underground they figured out how to defend their cities from opposing tribes: the Dynspeculo.


replaces name cost health skills
Giant Dynspeculo N/A 30 Rolling, Grounded, Piercing

Defenders: defenders have the shine ability, but they start off with no attacking power. So their only attacking power is derived through the shine ability. They do have attack power on boats.





Level 3 City Upgrade Rewards

Option 1

Resources: Gain 4 stars.

Option 2

City wall: Gain a protective city wall.

The city wall is shiny and is made of of a crystalline glass mixture. With this shiny wall the shine ability is put into play. This affects any unit in the wall, but is doubled if a midrosan defender is inside the walls.



Visual Design

Fruit: is a shiny disco like ball that contains a sweet water based liquid (“Water berries”)

Animal: coyote, canine etc. Is sort of a sandy color. Pointy ears. The only animal living in the glass desert because it was domesticated and protected by the midrosans, but every once in a while one escapes and wonders the glass forests until its demise. Name: kyotl.

Tribe color: dark orange (red desert color)

Blades: all midrosan units that have blades, consist of more polygons that add more detail. Swordsmen, archer arrows, chivalry spear tips. Catapults are made of glass. Defenders have more detailed shields.

Icons: a bunch of the buildings have to look different for different purposes, especially all glass related techs.

Monuments: all the monuments are flat designs, but are raised on colorful pedestals.


Melting replaces Mining

Glassmithing replaces Smithery

Glass Cutting replaces Forestry

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