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The Laturis

Author: THomez#3628

The Laturis respect nature and all plants. With magical tree and plant units they govern the their territory. Upon seeing the cruel treatment of nature by other tribes they have decided to end the disrespectful and cruel ways of the other tribes.


name cost health attack defence range movement skills
The Creeper 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Creep
Walking Willow 10 (created from a forest) 20 4 2 1 1 Dash
Forest Spririt N/A 40 4 4 1 1 Scout, Grip



Other Mechanics

When cutting down forests, you need to pay 2 stars (for when you need to clear forests with few stars).

All plant units (Creeper, Wlking Willow and Forest Spirit canont go on boats).

Spawn rates (%)
Field, empty 15
Field, w. fruit 20
Field, w. crop 15
Forest, empty 20
Field, w. game 15
Mountain, no metal 5
Mountain, w. no metal 10

When a park is built on a city, every 3 turns a forest grows in an empty tile (that means no crop or fruit).

The Forest Spirit can scatter silver dust on an empty tile, this produces crops on the tile.

They can grow fruit, these grown fruit give any unit on every unit (except super units) either dash or escape skill. When fruit is harvested by Laturis, it gives them 2 stars.

Any laturis unit in its own forest temple gets a x2 defense bonus.


Walking Willow

Walking Willow Icon

The Laturis fruit, the Peamkich

A Laturis mountain

A Laturis warrior

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