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The Hellada

Author: op_penguin69#7943


replaces name cost health attack defence range movement skills
Giant Dias N/A 30 3 3 3 1 Dash, Lightning Bolt
Swordsman Hoplite 8 15 3 2 1 1 Dash, Fortify, Team Shield
Defender Cyclops 5 20 1 1 1 1 Fortify, Scout, No Roads
Ship Fire Boat 15 (from boat) N/A N/A 2 2 3 Carry, Dash, Burn
N/A Javelin Master 7 15 3 2 3 1 Dash, Fortify, Throw

The Cyclops appears as a giant with its torso weight at the bottom, no shirt and one eye.


Lightning Bolt

Team Shield

No Roads




Temples cost twice as much, but give 1 population for every other adjacent temple.

Spawn Rates



Old city era and Imperius take over

The Hellada tribe where not always a unified nation of great military prowess. Before the Hellada tribe was a group of smaller disorganized cities that fought among eachother, which different philosophies and culture. They were like this for many long years keeping to their own corner of the square sometimes trading and colonizing. Then the imperius arrived slowly moved into the land and took over each city one by one and adopted the culture of many of the city states. For many long years the imperius ruled the land as one of the greatest tribes to ever grace the square. Until as always, nothing lasts forever…

Imperius decline Hellada rise

Imperius slowly started the decay as they leaders began to be corrupt and not care about the empire the imperius land grew smaller and smaller until it stagnated and became steady but long after the golden age. One of many territories that slowly became distinguished was the Hellada territory, which once again instead of referring to themselves as Helladian. And unified not as city states but as one powerful state.

Modern Day

In the now times Hellada people are content as the Hellada Empire is Fairly Large and stable around ⅓ the size of the golden age of imperius territory. They enjoy a nice life with wine and safety. The military life is very hard They wre trained daily and often wipped but it is rewarding at the end of soldiers career they would be compensated with land that depends on hoe many years they have served. The empire is stable but a new threat is on the horizons from the deserts of the east a tribe simaler to oumaji has proved to decently powerful.

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