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The Dakwiza

Author: T Shadow#7569

Evil wizards, dark magic and undead units, that’s what you’ll find if you go through the Dakwiza’s borders. This tribe has the power of bringing the dead back to life with their evil magic. The Dakwiza are a tribe of evil wizards, that are ready to conquer all the square and make it their own.

They start with the “Cemetery” tech.


Cemetery replaces Farming




Wizard Tower


replaces name cost health attack defence range movement skills
N/A Ghost N/A 5 3 1 1 3 Fly
Giant Giant Skeleton N/A 30 5 3 1 1 Resurrect
N/A Skeleton N/A 10 4 1 1 1 -
Defender Wizard 4 15 4 3 2 2 -


Animal: Dorche (a giant snake)
Fruit: Frocd (red mushrooms)

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